Who I Am
Carlo Alberto Benech
I am the head of the Center for Robotic and Spinal Surgery at Humanitas Cellini Hospital in Turin. I also practice as a neurosurgeon at Clinica Fornaca in Turin, Humanitas San Pio X Hospital in Milan, and Villa Stuart Clinic in Rome. Throughout my career, I have developed extensive experience in treating spinal pathologies and neurovascular and encephalo-spinal tumor conditions. In 2018, I introduced the first robotic system for spinal neurosurgery in Italy.
Robotic Spinal Surgery
The robotic system enables a unique, innovative, and revolutionary approach to spinal surgery, ensuring greater precision and safety.

Press Review
Where to find us
I work in several Italian cities, such as Turin, Milan and Rome.
At some facilities I perform both ambulatory examinations and surgeries using robotic technology. At others I perform only diagnostic examinations. The map below shows the locations of my activities and contacts to book a visit.
Visits and surgeries
- Centro chirurgia Robotica e Vertebrale at Humanitas Cellini
Via Benvenuto Cellini 2
tel. +39 011.30273027
- Clinica Fornaca
Corso Vittorio Emanuele II 91
tel. +39 011.5574355
- Dr.Benech’s Studio
Corso Galileo Ferrari 146
tel. +39 3755412258, +39 3756734354
Via Druento 153/56
tel. +39 011.0130303
Visits and surgeries
Clinica Humanitas San Pio X
Via Francesco Nava 31
tel. +39 02.69511
Visits and surgeries
Casa di Cura Villa Stuart
Via Trionfale 5952
tel. +39 06.35528500
Book an Appointment
If you require more information, you can write us
or at contact us at +39 375 541 2258